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Weird weather bugs homeowners

By Garrett Glaser, CNBC

As America heads into the weekend, rain is once again forecast across much of the country, while other areas continue to endure severe drought. That may ruin a lot of people’s weekend plans, but it’s turning out to be a great summer for bugs. CNBC reports on what all the weird weather has done for the bug-killing industry

Record Drought in the Southtwest; record cold and rain in the Northeast.  The situation is wreaking havoc on the pest management industry: Sales are booming out west and dissappointing back east.

The reason? Bugs get thirsty too, and they come out to look for water when it's dry- less so when it's wet.  In New Jersey, folks say all the rain has postponed the worst of the bug season.  It's all a far cry from the situation in the western states.  In Arizona and California, bark beetles have killed or weakend millions of pine trees this year.

Infestations of grasshoppers in parts of Colorado have reached 360 insects per square yard. Grasshoppers can devastate crops.

The heat hasn’t helped. Some farmers say it’s the most uncomfortable heat in years.

But what’s bad for people can be good for bugs. Nevada’s 2003 outbreak of Mormon crickets has covered 2.5 times as much ground as last year — more than 7800 square miles. That’s about the size of Massachusetts.

“Clearly because of the weather and the trends, bugs and insects will be on the move, and as a result of the public health concerns, this industry is hotter than its ever been,” Rob Lederer CEO fo the National Pest Management Association.

Last year, the professional pest control industry had total sales and service revenues of more than $5.5 billion with an annual revenue growth rate of 3.8 percent.

And that growth rate looks to increase. The federal government’s out with a new report predicting the drought spreading in Texas, receding from the northern plains and persisting in much of the interior west. It’s enough to ruin a weekend picnic.