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Nisus Corporation and NPMA’s PWIPM Announce Scholarship


Nisus Corporation, in conjunction with the NPMA’s Professional Women in Pest Management, is announcing their Annual $2500 Scholarship for one female graduate student interested in a career in the urban pest control industry. The recipient will have conducted research or have practical experience or a strong interest in urban entomology or some other related facet of urban pest control. This scholarship may be used by the recipient to defer a portion of the costs of graduate school. It also includes $500 towards travel expenses to attend the National Pest Management Association’s PestWorld 2006 in Grapevine, TX in October 2006. The scholarship will be awarded at the Professional Women In Pest Management reception on Thursday, October 26, 2006. The successful recipient will be notified by August 18, 2006.


Deadline for submission:  May 31, 2006


Minimum requirements:

1)     Must be a  woman currently enrolled in a Master’s or Ph.D. program at an accredited school

2)     Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher

3)     Must have research or practical experience or an interest in urban pest control


To be submitted:

1)     Official graduate school transcripts

2)     Curriculum vitae (including contact information)

3)     Essay (to be no more than 2 pages long, see below)

4)     2 letters of recommendation (sealed and signed by author)


Essay Questions:

1)     What future changes do you anticipate in the pest control industry?

2)     How does your research, practical experience or interests qualify you for this scholarship?

3)     What are your career goals?


Letters of recommendation should comment on the student’s goals and motivation and answer the following questions:

1)     Does the student have a strong interest in pest control?

2)     What steps has the student taken to prepare for a career in pest control?

3)     Do you think the student will make a contribution to the pest control industry?


Submit all required documents in one envelope by the May 31, 2006 deadline to:


Janet Kintz-Early, Ph.D./ Diana Lacy

Nisus Corporation

100 Nisus Drive

Rockford, TN 37853