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Pest Management Foundation Seeks Research Proposals

January 9, 2008 - The National Pest Management Association’s charitable organization - the Pest Management Foundation - today issued a solicitation for grant proposals related to the management of structural pests and pests in urban and suburban environments.  

Any submission deemed worthwhile by the Foundation will be eligible for a grant of up to $35,000. Eligible entities include, but are not limited to institutions of higher learning, non-profit organizations, for-profit businesses, and individuals. 


While the solicitation lists specific project ideas, the Foundation is interested in any proposal that pertains to the management of pests in structures and urban and suburban environments.  The Foundation recently funded research published by Cornell University, University of Kentucky, and Spokane Falls Community College researchers on the effectiveness of yellow jacket trapping, the efficacy of residential mosquito control, and various methods of controlling the black widow and hobo spiders. The Foundation is also funding pending research on the prevalence on a specific rodent-borne disease, the overall impact of urban pests, the efficacy of canines as bedbug detectors, and the significance of an emerging invasive ant species in the Southeastern U.S.


“Our main intent is to generate the submission of numerous different proposals,” said Gene Harrington, the executive director of the Foundation.  “We recognize that there are countless valuable research ideas and issuing anything too prescriptive could preclude many worthy proposals.  We look forward to carefully reviewing any and all proposals.”


The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 22, 2008 and the target for identifying a worthwhile applicant is by the end of April. The solicitation is available at http://www.npmapestworld.org/PMFoundation or by clicking here.  Questions and proposals should be directed to Gene Harrington at gharrington@pestworld.org or 800-678-6722.