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NPMA Supports the U.S. EPA’s Decision on Rodenticides

May 29, 2008 – The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) supports the decision announced this morning by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to limit the sale of second-generation anticoagulants and require that consumer products be sold in temper resistant bait stations.


According to NPMA’s Senior Vice President, Bob Rosenberg, “Rodents post significant health risks to the public.  EPA’s decision ensures the availability of tools to deal with rodent problems while minimizing the potential for exposure to children and non-target wildlife.”


NPMA has worked closely with EPA officials since the Agency first began reevaluating rodenticides in 1998.


Below is the EPA summary of new restrictions:


Second-Generation Anticoagulant Products for Professional Applicators

  • Products must contain at least 16 pounds of bait.
  • Bait stations are required for all outdoor, above-ground placements of second-generation anticoagulants.
  • Bait stations are required indoors if exposure to children, pets, or non-target animals is possible.
  • Distribution to and sales in “consumer” stores including grocery stores, drug stores, hardware stores, club stores will be prohibited.

“Consumer Size” Products (Products containing less than or equal to 1 pound of bait)

  • May not contain brodifacoum, difethialone, bromadiolone, or difenacoum (the second-generation anticoagulants)
  • Loose bait forms such as pellets are prohibited
  • Each retail unit must include a pre-loaded bait station
  • Bait refills may be sold with pre-loaded bait stations in a single retail unit 

Second-Generation Anticoagulant Products for Use Around Agricultural Buildings

  • Products must contain at least eight pounds of bait.  
  • Bait stations are required for all outdoor, above-ground placements of second-generation anticoagulant products.
  • Bait stations are required indoors if exposure to children, pets, or non-target animals is possible.
  • Product labels must indicate that the product is for use only in and around agricultural buildings and that use in residential use sites is prohibited.
  • Distribution to and sales in “consumer” stores including grocery stores, drug stores, hardware stores, club stores will be prohibited.  

Click here for more detailed information.  Or, you can  contact NPMA at npma@pestworld.org or 703-352-6762.