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NPMA Announces the Launch of QualityPro Canada
 Certification Program Now Available to Members of the Canadian Pest Management Association


June 20, 2008 – The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) is pleased to announce that QualityPro, the pest management industry’s leading certification program, is now available to all member companies of the Canadian Pest Management Association (CPMA).  QualityPro Canada was developed to raise the bar for pest management professionals, while providing a comprehensive toolbox and marketing materials developed specifically for the pest management industry.


Similar to the U.S. program, QualityPro Canada offers companies a way to differentiate themselves from the competition.  According to Rob Lederer, executive vice president  of NPMA, “Due to similar regulations, our close relationship with the CPMA, and comparable markets, we were able to expand QualityPro to those pest management companies operating in Canada.  This program has provided great tools to members in the United States, and we will now be able to share those with our members in Canada.”


QualityPro Canada sets broad standards in Business Operations, Environmental Stewardship, Consumer Relations, and Testing & Training.  A company must meet qualifications in these four areas before they are eligible to receive the QualityPro Canada designation.  “A rising tide lifts all ships, and it is my belief that QualityPro Canada will be the impetus for us to raise the bar for those in the Canadian pest management industry,” said Randy Hobbs, president of CPMA.


For more information about QualityPro Canada, including a program application, call 800-678-6722 or visit www.pestworldcanada.net.



About QualityPro - QualityPro is the mark of excellence in pest management. This program is increasing the professionalism of the industry through self-regulation; stimulating consumer demand through increased confidence and a higher public perception of industry professionalism; and providing marketing opportunities to participating companies by recognizing commitment to excellence and higher performance standards.


The National Pest Management Association (NPMA), a non-profit organization with 5,800 members, was established in 1933 to support the pest management industry’s commitment to the protection of public health, food and property, reflected both in the continuing education of the pest professional and the dissemination of timely information to homeowners.