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Termite Monitoring Sample Contract Now Available
 New contract adds to library of model contracts available from the National Pest Management Association


June 25, 2008 - The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) is pleased to announce the development of a new model contract for “Termite Monitoring Services.”  Available through the NPMA member and professional Web site, www.npmapestworld.org, the model contract provides a starting point for companies to develop their termite monitoring contracts.  This project was initiated by a suggestion from Dow AgroSciences, who also collaborated with the NPMA on the development of the contract.


“Subterranean termite monitoring services are becoming a hot topic in the industry,” says Greg Baumann, vice president of technical services for NPMA.  “Monitoring provides an early warning that termites are present.  But monitoring is a relatively new service, so it is important that contract language clearly tell consumers what they are buying and spell out the pest management professional’s responsibilities.”


This new “Termite Monitoring Services” sample contract is the newest addition to the library of contracts on the NPMA Web site.  Other available sample contracts include “Bed Bug,” “Mosquito Control,” “Termite Treatment,” and “Termite Baiting.”


“It’s important for the association to provide its members with tools to assist them in doing their jobs in the most professional manner possible,” stated Rob Lederer, executive vice president for NPMA.


To draft the model contract, NPMA retained a law firm experienced in the pest management industry. The contract was written in plain language and includes minimal legalese, Baumann says.  Key aspects of the model contract include exclusion of aerial infestations of subterranean termites and drywood termites; service commitment; customer understanding of the monitoring performance; ownership of components; performance of work; and additions and alterations.  The contract also addresses termite damage, renewal fees, termination of service, transferability and more.


“The termite monitoring model contract is not designed to be used as is,” Baumann says. “NPMA advises companies to work with their own attorney to make sure the contract language they use complies with their state laws. Making the contract specific to your business is important because there can be great variance in how companies offer this service.”


Click here to view this new sample contract, as well as other model contracts.