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NPMA's MPM Awards Scholarships to TAMU, PSU Students

September 16, 2008 - The National Pest Management Association's (NPMA) Minorities in Pest Management (MPM) has selected Chris Swain of Texas A&M University (TAMU) and Alexis Barbarin of Penn State University (PSU) as the winners of the 2008 MPM Scholarship.


The owner and operator of Premier Pest Control in College Station, Chris is pursuing his Master’s degree in urban pest management at TAMU.  His research pertains to the sublethal effects of insecticides on subterranean termites and the subsequent impact on the ability of termites to continuously sustain feeding at in-ground bait stations.  Chris also works as a research assistant at TAMU’s Center for Urban Entomology.


Chris earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Entomology from TAMU in August of 2007, becoming the first person in his family to achieve such an honor.  Throughout his years as an undergraduate, Chris worked full-time at Venus Pest Control in College Station as a certified applicator and as manger at a restaurant.


After receiving her undergraduate degree from Xavier University of Louisiana, Alexis entered Penn State University’s graduate program in the fall of 2006 and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Agricultural Extension and Education and doctorate in Entomology.  She was a student at New Orleans-based Xavier University when Hurricane Katrina hit and the after effects of the storm displaced both her and her family. 


Alexis holds a 3.62 grade point average at Penn State and has a strong interest in urban entomology and integrated pest management.  She has worked closely with Philadelphia pest management professionals.  Her primary research is focused on bed bug behavior and management.



"Alexis and Chris are extremely deserving of the MPM Scholarship and MPM is incredibly proud to be able to assist in their education," said Genma Stringer Holmes, the Chairwoman of MPM's Steering Committee.  "It is especially gratifying for MPM to award a scholarship to an actual PMP as well as an individual who overcame the incredible hurdles presented by Hurricane Katrina."  


Founded in 2005, MPM is an affiliate group of the NPMA that mentors, promotes, and advances minority pest management professionals, and helps encourage and increase minority participation in NPMA.    For more information, go to www.npmapestworld.org/mpm.