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A New Kind of Bug Hits the Internet

The Professional Pest Management Alliance Announces the Creation of a Viral Video Series promoting Pestworld.org


August 4, 2009 — In today’s Web-based world, Internet users are armed with antivirus software and security measures to keep bugs out of their computers. But now, there is one kind of bug hitting the Internet that everyone will want to pass around. The Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA), the public outreach arm of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), has announced the creation of its first viral video series, “Bug on the Street,” featuring some larger than life (and annoying!) household pests.  The viral video series while fun and humorous ultimately aims to promote PPMA’s consumer site, www.Pestworld.org.


“Viral videos are wildly popular, as more and more people turn to the Internet as a source of information and entertainment,” said Missy Henriksen, executive director of PPMA. “Our viral videos are an excellent tool to promote our industry’s message and create buzz around professional pest control, while having a little bit of fun at the same time. We encourage everyone to view the videos and forward them to family and friends.”


The comedy-based video series, “Bug on the Street,” shows pests being obnoxious and annoying to the people they encounter on the street of a bustling city. The cockroach (known to trigger asthma) is blowing cigar smoke, the mouse (known for contaminating food) helps herself to someone’s newly purchased hot dog at a lunch cart and the bed bug is trying to pickup a date to take him home. The videos all end with a narrator saying, “They’re annoying all right—how’d you like to live with them?” and Pestworld.org is promoted as the call to action.


Viral videos, which have grown in popularity through Web sites like YouTube, are designed to be passed around to friends, family and coworkers through e-mail, Twitter, Facebook and other electronic forms of communication.


To view PPMA’s viral videos, visit www.YouTube.com/PestWorld.  For more information on the Professional Pest Management Alliance and its other marketing programs visit www.npmapestworld.org/PPMA.